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Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a feeling you can get at certain times of the year. It is a form of depression and affects people in different degrees, but at its worst it can seriously affect lives. Probably the most common situation is during the winter months. Most people love to be outdoors during the warmer months, as this can affect both their physical and mental health, making you feel happier in the warm sunshine and more inspired to take part in physical activity. In the colder seasons, when we have grey, damp days, there may not seem much...

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We all love a holiday and no doubt in the past we’ve just booked one without consideration for the environment. Whether it’s how we travelled, what we did when we got there or how tourism has impacted on the destinations we’ve been to, we didn’t give it a thought. So in these times of being more considerate in our actions, perhaps we should think about how we holiday in future. Obviously, there is an impact on everything we do but if we choose wisely, we can minimise any damage that’s associated with holidays. For instance, think about choosing a destination...

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Our timing may be a week out, but 1st February is the annual awareness day for beginning a conversation about mental health. It’s run by Mind, Rethink Mental Illness and in partnership with the Co-Op. It’s not always easy to start these sorts of conversations but the results can be powerful enough to change lives. It could be that you’re worried about a friend, relative or work colleague, who may not seem their usual self. Try to find a way to approach the subject with them and see if they are willing to talk about their issues with you. Or...

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Amongst all the negative stories in the news there are some good stories too, so we thought we’d end the year with some positive news that’s happened in 2023. After all, we need to adopt a positive mindset to get through daily life, and watching the news everyday can bring you down if you let it. Let’s face it, a huge percentage of what we see on the news are bad news stories and I know people that have stopped watching it as it was making them depressed. Whilst it doesn’t make the bad stuff go away, we need to...

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I recently had my first foreign holiday for 4 years, a week in Sorrento, Italy. Weather was great, 24 degrees all week, people were lovely and the food was great. There are a few places for sightseeing around Sorrento, such as the island of Capri, Pompeii and Vesuvius and the Amalfi coast, my wife and I decided we would like to visit these well known sites. We started off on a boat trip to Capri. The boat only held 12 people and the 2 man crew were great, pointing out areas of interest on the approach to and around the...

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